If you or a loved one are aging or if you are a child responsible for the needs of an ailing or aging family member, consulting with one of our Geriatric Care Managers will be exceedingly helpful. Whether you are the prospective client or you are the responsible child — you are entering uncharted territory. Certainly, generations of elders have aged before us — but the health care landscape has radically changed.
We can help you determine and access the care you require. We make an initial patient assessment; we plan for the care; an inventory of immediate accessible sources; we arrange for the provision of the services: A.P.D. – ASSESS – PLAN – DELIVER.
Our Geriatric Care Managers are Social Workers, Nurses and Gerontologists who have been trained to work with the elderly and their families. They will generate an accurate in-depth Assessment of your needs. We then will Plan for dealing with all the identified care issues. Thereafter we will coordinate and monitor the Delivery of all care and services required. In a nutshell, that is our job! A.P.D. – ASSESS – PLAN – DELIVER.
We dutifully function as if we were a nearby caring family member – one who doesn’t have other full time responsibilities which distract from and inhibit care-giving. We are especially beneficial when you and your children live a long distance apart. The ideal time to meet with a Geriatric Care Manager is when everything is fine and everybody is well. Unfortunately and as a practical matter, more often than not we meet the majority of our clients after a crisis or emergency has arisen. An elderly parent fell, is hospitalized or received a burdensome diagnosis requiring emotional and physical support.
Call us. We’ll be happy to meet with you at your home to begin the process of helping you to live meaningfully and to age comfortably.